LENZAN ART production
今日まで、演奏家という肩書きを通して、幸運にも、演奏だけに限らず、公演企画、演出、プログラム、紙媒体やホームページのデザインに至るまで携わってきました。それは一重に演奏だけではなく、イベント会場に入る前から、お客様に場の雰囲気を楽しんでもらいたいという思いからでした。基本は尺八演奏家として私は活動していますが、様々な形でお声がけを頂き、アーティスト活動を広げるため、2020年3月にLENZAN ART productionを設立しました。演奏の他、イベントの企画・プロデュース、ブランディング、作曲、デザイン、エッセイ等、活動を広げて参ります。皆さまの変わらぬご支援の程、宜しくお願い申し上げます。
工藤 煉山

工藤 煉山
■ ZEN2.0 (禅の国際カンファレンス、場所:鎌倉建長寺)2017年、2018年、2021年、2022年、2023年登壇
■ 清水寺 Film exhibition 「KIYOMIZU - Cycle of blessings」オープニングとクロージング曲で参加 (2024年)
■ 坂本龍一 series - incomplete "時光 Jiko" でコラボレーション (2020年)
■ 禅の響 -ZEN no OTO- (2020年〜)
■ 新宿御苑 「菊花壇展ライトアップ」演奏&演奏時の演出担当(2019年)
■NHK World Japan 「Spiritual Explorers -吹禅」
Lenzan Kudo completed his studies at the Graduate School of Tokyo University of Arts. While in university, he was selected as a representative to perform in front of the Imperial Family at Tokagakudo Imperial Palace concert hall in Tokyo. After graduation, he went to the U.K. He mainly performed in Europe, with appearances at the Japan Festival 2001 in the U.K. and on the BBC and performing with orchestras. After returning to Japan, he has performed across Japan and other Asian countries. He also made a guest performance for The Pacific Music Festival. He has a wide range of repertoire on the Shakuhachi, from classical Honkyoku to contemporary music, and collaborates with many different genres of music.
Currently, Lenzan has been promoting Shakuhachi's original performance style, "Blowing Zen," from Kamakura, the city ofZen known for Kenchoji Temple, Japan's first full-fledged Zen temple. ("Blowing Zen" is a form of Zen practice that involves playing the Shakuhachi by monks of the Fuke sect in the Edo period. Those pieces are called classical Honkyoku.) Lenzan has mastered various physical disciplines such as yoga, Rolfing, Alexander Technique, and Chinese Qigong. He conveys the mind-body connection through Shakuhachi with his unique philosophy, which he has combined with Zen philosophy. Additionally, he embodies a Zen flow by handpicking bamboo from the bamboo grove and crafting the Shakuhachi himself. He also runs a shakuhachi dojo called "KODO" at Zenkyoin Temple, a Rinzai sect of Zen Buddhism in Kitakamakura, where he teaches Shakuhachi to his students.
■”ZEN2.0” Guest Shakuhachi performance in 2017,2018,2021,2022,2023 (International Zen conference held at Kenchoji, Japan’s first Zen Buddhist temple in Kamkura)
■Kiyomizu-dera Film exhibition 「KIYOMIZU - Cycle of bessings」Opening & Closing 2024
■A collaboration work in Ryuichi Sakamoto series - "incomplete " 2020
lenzan kudo + ryuichi sakamoto "時光 Jiko"
■Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden “Chrysanthemum exhibition 2019 “
Night illuminations Shakuhachi performance and art produce
■ZEN no OTO 2020〜
NHK World Japan "Spiritual Explorers - Blowing Zen"
Weekly Economist 2022.3.1 "Passionate People 19" (in Japanese)
Scheduled to appear in the September issue of the monthly magazine "Chichi Zuiso".
【Other activities】
Environmental conservation activities
■Seminar “Reconsider the environmental issues from a viewpoint of Japanese culture”
With Japanese Zen Buddhist philosophy, this seminar offers new understandings of Environmentalism; what it means to be human and the real relationship between capitalism and the environment. Through the study, you will also get some tips of what we can do for the environment in our daily life.
【Workshop / Session】
■“Breathing and Shakuhachi” project:
This program is mainly focused on Tanden breathing* and mindfulness with the tones and the breathing techniques of shakuhachi, to help people deepen their breath and reduce modern people’s stress.
Learn breath technique based on the total abandonment of any tension in the body and any mental interaction with breathing. Take notice of the messages of the breath. Your breath tells you.
* Tanden breathing; respiration by working the inner part of the lower abdomen just beneath the navel